

What Should We Be Thinking About Supply Chain? Insights from SAP Sapphire

If it isn't already, your end-to-end supply chain must be part of your strategy discussions. I was recently featured at SAP's SAPPHIRE NOW Coverage global conference on supply chain since it is such a timely topic.  Interest has been heightened as supply chain challenges intensify throughout the world.  Minimally, we should [...]

e-Commerce has Exploded

There is no doubt that one of the ONLY things in common across all clients and industries is that e-commerce has exploded. One client was prepared to take advantage of the opportunity and grew e-commerce sales almost 300% during COVID. In another example, online shopping has experienced a [...]

What’s Happening in Manufacturing & Supply Chain: Investing in Leadership

What’s Happening in Manufacturing & Supply Chain: Ecommerce – Lisa Anderson, LMA Consulting

Zoom Fatigue and How to Stay Engaged

Lots of people are complaining of Zoom fatigue. Do you have Zoom fatigue? It can be a challenge to be in front of a screen and camera for 8-10 hours a day. After all, there are some days I don't have time to eat, get a drink or use [...]

2023-09-27T22:43:58-07:00October 5, 2020|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

Resilience vs Efficiency in This Next Normal

Lisa Anderson, founder and president at LMA Consulting Group Inc. based in Claremont, Calif. was the opening keynote speaker on day 3 at the SAP Vision 33 Virtual Conference. Published in SAP Vision 33 on Oct. 2020 Click here to read more.

SAC: Increased Customer Focus Will Help Business Thrive in 2021

CLAREMONT, CA— The current economic disruption is giving businesses big opportunities to take steps to redefine and renew the relationships and processes that customers value most, according to the Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Businesses that tune into evolving customer needs will thrive the most in 2021. [...]

Supply Chain Impacts Post COVID & Trade Wars

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc. based in Claremont, California speaks to a group of trusted advisors to manufacturers and distributors on Supply Chain, COVID & trade wars post pandemic. Lisa discussed the status of the supply chain during [...]

Inaugural LMA Futurist Award 2020: Corona Clipper

Since our 10 year anniversary in 2015, we have been recognizing people who have contributed to our success with our LMA Advocate award. In the last few years, we have been thinking about starting a corporate award of excellence. 
2023-10-18T11:31:14-07:00September 29, 2020|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Innovation, Manufacturing|Tags: , |

Reshoring in a Post COVID World & Upcoming Expert Panel

I was just interviewed by SAP Insights about the localization of supply chains and whether reshoring is a pipe dream or reality. Stay tuned for that article although this hot topic continues to arise as manufacturers and product-based companies realize the significant risk of having their full supply chain [...]

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