

Case Study: Overloaded with Data Issues?

Even the best of clients have all sorts of data issues. It is actually quite surprising how this issue runs across industries, company sizes and types of ownership. So, what should we do about it? Let's talk through a client example and the successful path forward. Situation Although quite [...]

Thriving Post COVID with Technology Advancements

Clients on the fast-track with technology advancements are surpassing the competition during COVID and are likely to speed by them post COVID. This is the topic of a special report I contributed to that was published by Compass magazine "Agility in a crisis: Manufacturers equipped with virtual-experience technologies stepped [...]

2024-06-14T08:26:07-07:00December 1, 2020|Categories: ERP & Technology, Supply Chain Technologies|Tags: , , |

Why Does the Strategic Supply Chain Matter?

Why does the strategic supply chain matter? This is the topic of a recent collaboration with a global group of top supply chain consultants. We wrote an eBook available for free download (and is available for purchase on Amazon), "Thriving in the New Business Environment: Why The Strategic Supply [...]

SAC: Feed Their Needs: Put Customers First for Rapid Growth Next Year

Manufacturers and distributors have a rare opportunity as the world emerges from COVID," points out Lisa Anderson, president of Claremont, CA-based LMA Consulting Group, Inc. and co-executive director of SAC also known for creating supply chain resiliency

2024-06-16T16:03:37-07:00December 1, 2020|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , , , |

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing Expert and President of LMA Consulting Considers Sustainability Integral with Smart Manufacturing

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – November 30, 2020 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., is seeing manufacturers embrace Smart Manufacturing with a sustainable approach.  Not only are manufacturers embracing the use of AI and other technologies, but they are also [...]

2024-06-16T16:04:46-07:00November 30, 2020|Categories: Press Releases, Sustainability & Impacts|Tags: , , , |

Global Supply Chain Experts on Reshoring

I participate with a group of the top 1% of consultants worldwide (the Society for the Advancement of Consulting), and we hosted two panel discussions on Reshoring in a Post COVID World. I moderated the first session with consultants from North America and the Pacific Rim, and there was another [...]

Advanced Warehouse Management Leveraging Key Metrics to Increase Efficiencies and Resiliency

Today’s challenging economic environment is forcing organizations to be more agile than ever to satisfy evolving customer demands. This requires more efficient warehouse management grounded in metrics that effectively measure performance and provide insight into supply chain behaviors. Join our upcoming webinar for a discussion on how to leverage [...]

Representing the U.S. at The World Manufacturing Forum

I had the pleasure of representing the United States in the World Manufacturing Forum in thesession “Back to the Future: Manufacturing Beyond COVID-19“. I talked about the fact that weare at a crossroads between efficiency/ costs and resiliency/ responsiveness, how to turn that orinto an [...]

Reshoring in a Post COVID World

According to surveys in both North America and Europe, executives are not just talking about reshoring; they are taking action. Does that mean globalization is dead?

Compass Magazine: Agility in a Crisis

“In the new reality brought by COVID-19, executives will be more concerned about risk and how to be prepared for rapidly changing customer conditions,” said Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc.

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