

The Future of Manufacturing Panel

I was on a panel of a webinar, The Future of Manufacturing with Andrew Zanelli, president of VCC, Michael Knight, president TTI Semiconductor Group, and Seth Denson, co-founder of GDP Advisors. It was a lot of fun, and we talked about the coronavirus, reshoring, cost leadership, innovation, and other topics. Are you interested in what the future might look like and how you can position your company and career successfully?

How Location Intelligence Drives Supply Network Resilience and Recovery

How Do ERP Systems Work?

Think of enterprise resource planning, aka ERP, as a pizza. Each slice represents one set of modules that serves a specific company department. Most people like ERP software because it serves more than one industry. However, vendors also make ERP tailored to specific industries and operations. This guide covers what an ERP [...]

9 Big Ideas from Women in Supply Chain Leadership

The landscape for supply chain leaders is getting more complex each year – and that’s before taking into account the current global pandemic. We’re facing unprecedented challenges, and there are no easy answers.  Thankfully, despite growing headwinds and current conditions, there is no shortage of industry voices with insights, [...]

Ontario Rotary: The Resilient Supply Chain

The Ontario Rotary Board asked Lisa Anderson to speak about the Resilient Supply Chain and how manufacturing, distribution and significant service operations could be successful in today’s Amazon-impacted environment. Lisa facilitated interactive discussion on the best strategies to create a resilient supply chain and how to address issues and [...]

Always-On Influence: 5 Examples of Ongoing B2B Influencer Marketing In Action

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert and influencer Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc, was featured in blog post by Ralph Layton: 'Always-On Influence: 5 Examples of Ongoing B2B Influencer Marketing in Action'.   "Always-on influence is especially vital today as brands look to combat increasing mistrust and [...]

A Non-Siloed Approach to Business Process Management

As companies move to “blended” BPR, which seeks both long- and short-term benefits, they realize the need to involve different people and think differently about these projects than before. “People are always saying that IT needs to get closer to the business,” says Jerry Luftman, executive director and distinguished [...]

2024-02-15T21:07:38-08:00May 11, 2020|Categories: In The News, Manufacturing, Process Improvement|Tags: |

Leadership As We Emerge from the Pandemic

"Whatever You Are, Be a Good One." - Abraham Lincoln All bets are off. No matter what type of leader you were pre-pandemic, your opportunity is now. Relationships move faster during times of crisis than any other time. Simply become the leader you know you can be. Everyone has [...]

2023-10-12T21:49:22-07:00May 11, 2020|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , |

Does Technology Have a Seat at the Table?

Do you consider your technology leader an integral member of your executive team? If not, why not? Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, technology was starting to take over the world.

Product Supply Strategy

Forget 'If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It' All bets are off in these unprecedented times. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Take a fresh look at your product supply strategies. Should We Make or Buy? Many executives outsourced when it was the popular and often a smart [...]

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