

Future-Proofing Your Customers

In thinking about future-proofing your people, it makes sense to start with your customers. Have you thought about future-proofing your customers? The statistics are staggering. According to Outbound Engine, acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. We wouldn't be surprised if the [...]

Is it Time to Barcode?

Client Question If we struggle with process disciplines and performing timely, accurate transactions, should we pursue barcoding? This typically arises with every ERP implementation, and our answer is generally that we should crawl before we walk before we run. In fact, I am known for this comment at one [...]

2024-02-16T18:06:50-08:00January 30, 2020|Categories: ERP & Technology, Supply Chain Technologies|Tags: , , |

Future-proofing Your Supply Chain

Disruptions abound in supply chain circles. Just consider any of the following recent events: the tariff war, global unrest, the Coronavirus, natural disasters such as the volcano in the Philippines, the Hong Kong protests and more. We have never had a client that could claim that 100% of the [...]

Future-Proofing Your Skills Gap

Since talent has become a strategic topic for any executive who wishes to thrive in 2020 and beyond, it should top of mind for every manufacturing and distribution business owner or executive. Have you put time aside to think about this critical topic with your top team? If [...]

2024-02-16T18:08:22-08:00January 30, 2020|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Supply Chain Strategy: Modernization tips from Lisa Anderson

For business leaders looking to modernize their supply chain, the technology investment is the easy part: Evaluate solutions, calculate the ROI, make your business case, and take delivery. Sure, it can be tricky to get sign off on these tech investments, but it’s a business problem with a logical [...]

51 Expert Tips on Inventory Control Methods

“Inventory accuracy is cornerstone to success” says Lisa Anderson, The Manufacturing ConnectorSM and president of LMA Consulting Group, Inc., Claremont, CA. 51 Expert Tips on Inventory Control Methods Inventory control is a critical function for businesses spanning every industry. Without effective inventory control methods, the supply chain suffers, you’re not [...]

U.S., China Sign Historic Phase One Trade Deal

According to the National Association of Manufacturers press release, the U.S and China trade deal is an unprecedented phase one win for manufacturers.  Previously the NAM CEO lamented that "China has proven one of the most troubling markets in the world for manufacturers, due to its lack of commitment [...]

Top 5 Inventory Management Techniques

Great inventory management techniques are critical as supply chain complexity grows. Here's a look at the top techniques to help your company succeed. Whether you're an SMB or a large enterprise, solid inventory management techniques are critical for success. Inventory management, a component of supply chain management (SCM), controls [...]

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