Strategy Isn’t Long Term!
As I meet with countless CEOs and P&L leaders at clients, via connections, at speeches etc., I pay attention to what is top of mind. Strategy is always top of mind for the most successful business leaders!
As I meet with countless CEOs and P&L leaders at clients, via connections, at speeches etc., I pay attention to what is top of mind. Strategy is always top of mind for the most successful business leaders!
In our 14 years of consulting experience and almost 30 years of working experience, we have found that 80% of executives spend the majority of their time with the 20% of employees who do not achieve results.
When clients decide to upgrade ERP, they also look at CRM (customer relationship management) because it makes sense to align the technology infrastructure into a common platform that will be fully integrated and scalable.
According to a Hackett group study, the benefits of SIOP (Sales, Inventory & Operations Planning) can be dramatic.
Have you thought about your strategy and whether it relates to your pricing? It is easy to get caught up in competitive pricing situations and start to lower your price; however, it might be the time to take a step back and see whether what you are doing matches your branding and strategy.
CLAREMONT, Calif., August 1, 2019/ExpertClick/ -- Despite ongoing volatility in the marketplace and political climate, successful businesses continue to discover opportunities to thrive and expand, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Successful Clients Adapt to Changing Conditions “Look at volatility as an opportunity,” points out [...]