

The Sheer Relevance & Impact of Transportation (A Billion Here, a Billion There)

Insights into how transportation drives supply chain efficiency, underlining its economic and strategic value.

UPS & the Rise of e-Commerce!

For the peak season, UPS has to hire a HUGE amount of temps and ensure efficiencies aren't harmed in the process, given the serious impact to the bottom line.  If that situation doesn't require resiliency, I don't know what does!

California Steel Industries and whether Progress Follows Passion

CSI has never had a layoff although they have used their employees not just to fill temporary roles but also to perform all services during tough years.  This dedication shines through.

2024-02-16T21:21:23-08:00October 16, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

Amazon, Uber, Netflix and More…..Disruption is Here to Stay!

Explore how companies like Amazon, Uber, and Netflix are driving disruption in supply chains, redefining industry norms.

The Resilient Supply Chain: Do You Have Resilient Employees?

It is important to nurture resilient employees to ensure a more robust and adaptable supply chain.

The Resilient Supply Chain: Are You the Disrupted or the Disruptor?

An insightful comparison of disruptors and disrupted entities in building resilient supply chains in a dynamic environment.

The Resilient Supply Chain: Does Supplier Negotiation Work?

Insights into the role of supplier negotiation in strengthening supply chain resilience and business partnerships.

Supply Chain Resiliency: Video Interview on Global Competitiveness

Our most successful clients build innovation into the daily routine, and it is no accident that they are the most resilient as conditions change.

My 5-City Cross-Country Trip & the Value of Collecting Good People

A personal account of a cross-country trip emphasizing the importance of building and maintaining connections with good people.

2024-02-16T21:26:25-08:00October 10, 2018|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |
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