
Business & the Economy

Outstanding Customer Experience Can Be A Key Differentiator For Successful Businesses

CLAREMONT, Calif., August 1, 2018/ExpertClick/ -- Organizations that offer outstanding customer experience are often those that are more innovative, profitable, and higher performing, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Innovative Cultures That Exceed Customer Needs Breed Success “It is worthwhile to invest in customer service [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Presents 2018 LMA Advocate Award to Aerospace Executive, Kelly Ford

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – July 27, 2018 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., presented the 2018 LMA Advocate Award to Aerospace/Defense executive, Kelly Ford.  "It is a pleasure to recognize Kelly Ford with our 2018 LMA Advocate Award.  We [...]

Gaining New Ideas to Increase Business Value

There is no doubt that the most successful executives utilize all of these techniques to make sure they generate a seemingly never-ending stream of ideas to increase the value of their business.  Will you set aside time on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to priorities these activities? 

Hawaii and Strategic Thinking

I met my global consulting group in Hawaii to talk strategy.  Have you thought about where you are going lately?  More importantly, have you thought about why you are going there?  It is quite easy to get caught up in doing whatever you set out to do a year [...]

Strong Economy Creates Long-Term Growth Opportunities for Smart Businesses

CLAREMONT, Calif., / June 1, 2018/ExpertClick/ --The current strong economy offers opportunities for savvy organizations to strengthen their competitive positions, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Marketing From A Position of Strength Marketing while business is good may seem counterintuitive according to Linda Popky, president [...]

2024-06-16T17:17:34-07:00June 2, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , |

Boston & Expanding Your Thinking

Have you thought about how to expand your thinking?  A first good step would be to take a step back and think about ways to expand your thinking.  It is quite easy to get stuck inside your current reality. 

2023-12-26T16:19:54-08:00April 23, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |
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