Cyber Crime Is UP. Should We Be Concerned?
Are you protecting your business from Ransomware and BEC (business email compromise)? If not, I now am armed with several horrifying statistics to pass along.
Are you protecting your business from Ransomware and BEC (business email compromise)? If not, I now am armed with several horrifying statistics to pass along.
Are you developing strategies to address cyber security concerns? If you aren’t thinking about the relevance and risk, you should pay attention.
Apply lessons from 'Contagious' to foster meaningful relationships and drive business growth. Key strategies for impactful connections.
Since economics can have a dramatic impact on our business, it is worthwhile to pay attention - at a minimum. Attend sessions on economics trends, read economic updates, and dig into the key factors that are most likely to impact your business.
When it comes to retaining your internal talent and your key supply chain partners, it is not terribly complex. Think about how you would like to be treated and what would attract you to want to work for or with your company.
No matter our job, we are all in the marketing business. Who doesn't want their product, services, projects or even their own image to be attractive?
Do you take time out of your busy schedule to think about the future? It helps to get away to empty your mind for strategic thinking. Have you been able to do that lately?
When military spending increases, defense-related manufacturing booms. It isn't rocket science to figure that out; however, it can be tempting to wait too long for confirmation of orders.
February 18, 2017 I am the Chair of the APICS West Coast student case competition, and we just wrapped up our 2017 event. We had 104 students from around the world fly into San Diego to compete. It was a really impressive group of students! The [...]
It is well worth spending time on your personal brand as it is how people will see you. Your brand can get you "in the door" you'd like to get in - whether a job interview, on the most exciting project team or the promotion you desire.