
Business & the Economy

Hidden Figures & Providing Value

I went to see the movie, "Hidden Figures" last weekend and really enjoyed it!  It was an uplifting story about what perseverance can achieve.  Three brilliant African American women were the brains behind the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit at a time when women, let alone [...]

2024-05-19T22:44:44-07:00January 13, 2017|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

Lisa Anderson Named to Business College Board at University of La Verne

LMA Consulting Group’s Lisa Anderson named to the University of La Verne Board of College of Business and Public Management.

2024-05-19T22:44:35-07:00January 12, 2017|Categories: Business & the Economy, In The News|Tags: |

Shangri-La: the Best Hotel Service Bar None

What are you doing to provide this level of service to your customers?  Are you providing what they have asked for or what they would love if they knew to ask for it?

2024-06-06T15:02:42-07:00November 10, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |
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