
Business & the Economy

Keeping an Eye on Priorities

Assessing and spelling out priorities should always be at the top of your list to gain clarity and ultimate business success. [raw] I'm frequently reminded of how critical priorities can be. Of course, this is why it is one of the pillars in my 5P accelerator model for fast-tracking [...]

2023-09-16T14:23:12-07:00February 12, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: |

Lessons Learned from a Genius Businessman

Harry used uncommon common sense to spot opportunities to turn around companies. His wisdom, integrity and generosity will be missed. My best friend's dad was as close to a business genius as I've stood. He made his employers rich beyond their wildest dreams yet he was happy with this [...]


Make a conscious effort every day to stop what you’re doing and look around your workplace and beyond. By becoming observant you’ll soon spot people and areas that need your attention. It is worth it to take a step back on a daily basis, if not more frequently, to [...]

2023-09-18T17:25:53-07:00February 4, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , , |

The Impact of the Volatility

January 27, 2016 Certainly, you'd have to be hiding under a rock to not have heard about the wild swings in the global stock markets lately.  Although we've definitely become more comfortable with volatility, it still can cause executives to take a step back and think.  What if China's [...]

2023-08-25T16:55:15-07:00January 27, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

The Impact of China’s Slowdown

January 18, 2016 It is somewhat of a coincidence that I've heard a few presentations about China recently (thanks to international attorney and China guru John Tulac as one of these experts) which synced up with the stock market plunge in China - and in the U.S. (and thus [...]

Strategy to Kick Off the New Year

Start your new year off with a renewed focus on strategy, the implementation and whether the strategy delivers results. Strategy is often thought about near year-end. What was your strategy and is it still valid? Is it effective? Do you have a short-list to think about if you want [...]

2023-09-18T18:47:26-07:00January 14, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , , , |

How Organization Can Be Your Secret to Success

Being disorganized at work will lead to lost opportunities. Get organized to be able to act on the right item or information at a moment’s notice. I’ve always been organized. My mom said that my 5th grade teacher who also owned a business and was in politics said I [...]

2023-09-18T18:57:37-07:00January 8, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: |

Key to Sales (and Career) Success

January 5, 2016 I was in a meeting with one of the members of the executive team of a new client who is responsible for the customer experience this morning, and I asked why their customers buy from them.  He had a great answer and turned the question around [...]

Avoid New Year’s Resolutions

December 30, 2015 The New Year is known for resolutions and goals.  However, I concur with my consulting mentor - what's the point of setting resolutions at the New Year?  What is magical about doing it on 12/31?  Absolutely nothing.  If you set a resolution, stick to it for [...]

2023-09-19T13:56:49-07:00December 30, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

Keeping in Touch

December 21, 2015 As we are in the holiday season, it certainly seems like a good time to keep in touch with our family, friends, and colleagues.  What are you doing to make sure your contacts know they are valued? For example, I have heard from several contacts I [...]

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