A Recap Of 2006’s Trends In The Workplace
Who cares about trends? My perspective is that the person/ company who finds ways to take advantage of these trends while building on their strengths will succeed in 2007 and beyond.
Who cares about trends? My perspective is that the person/ company who finds ways to take advantage of these trends while building on their strengths will succeed in 2007 and beyond.
Expand your thinking of your customer base to GLOBAL.
As the global economy is in turmoil, almost all businesses are thinking about how to succeed during this turmoil.
Not only do I continue to see more evidence of the "new normal" business environment discussed in last month's issue but, in my discussions with clients and service providers, it's apparent that embracing and understanding how to thrive in the new normal is critical to success. As a reminder, [...]
Understanding the "new normal" can be quite valuable, as it doesn't have to be bleak and depressing.
The recession continues to seemingly worsen by the day. Businesses are cutting back. Employees are fearful. Foreclosures are rising. And the cycle continues. So, what is a manager or business to do to break this cycle?
Being prepared for success sounds silly but is often overlooked. Stand out in the crowd and be one of the few prepared to take advantage of the recovery.
We are in an era of volatility. Who ever thought we'd get used to commonplace bank failures? How about the Dow rising or falling by hundreds of points in a day? Oil gushing into the Gulf? Toyota quality issues? Never! Get used to erratic change as it is the "new normal".
The stock market is over 11,500 and the economy seems to be picking up with solid holiday sales, even with big ticket purchases like cars. Who would have thought GM, Ford and Chrysler's sales would rise in December?
As the stock market just topped 12,000, it is apparent we are in a recovery. Yet it is far from a traditional recovery - jobless with limited growth. In fact, to most everyday people, it doesn't feel like a recovery.