
Business & the Economy

The Economy – Where are we headed & where to focus?

In the last few weeks, I've participated in three different economic events, talked with trusted advisors and seen what clients are experiencing. From banks to economists to executives, differing views emerge. But, what is the bottom line?

Impact of Supply Chain Disruptions – Inflation, Recession, Volatility, Opportunity?

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about impacts of supply chain disruptions and global unrest on inflation, recession, volatility, and opportunity. She uses the price of plastic as an example of the continuing impact from the Russia-Ukraine war and discusses China’s Zero-COVID policies impact on inflation and recession.

Sports Business Journal: Economic headwinds: Supply chain, inflation create liquidity issues for Daktronics; strong order sheet forecasts smoother sailing

Lisa Anderson was quoted in the Sports Business Journal about reshoring and the investment in domestic manufacturing and the importance to the future.

San Francisco Chronicle: Supply chain issues not a problem this holiday season as shoppers hit stores, websites early

Lisa Anderson was quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle on how supply chain disruptions might impact the holiday season.

2024-06-12T14:43:02-07:00November 23, 2022|Categories: Business & the Economy, In The News|Tags: , |

Case Study: Strategies to Successfully Navigate Inflation

As originally published in Brushware Magazine on Sept/ Oct 2022. Inflation continues to plague the world with escalating prices across a spectrum of products and services. The price of oil and gas has continued to rise and supply chain challenges persist, creating inflationary pressures across the board. Even though [...]

Short term vs the long term: Navigating Turbulent Times

As businesses struggle in this new era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), the divide between short term and long term seems to increase.

SAC: Consulting Society Announces Global Award Winners Outstanding Consultants Honored at 19th Annual Meeting this week

Lisa Anderson was quoted in a press release about global consulting awards.

2024-06-16T15:10:23-07:00October 12, 2022|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , , |

USA Today: Black October is here: Transport delays, labor shortages slow supply chain as holiday shopping begins

Lisa Anderson was quoted in USA Today about the current state of the supply chain and how it could impact the holiday season.

Inflation, Supply Chain Disruption, Fertilizer + Rail

In this episode of Supply Chain Chats, Lisa Anderson talks about impacts of inflation and supply chain disruption in the global supply chain. She uses fertilizer as an example and talks through how inflation and supply chain disruptions are interrelated and walks through the increase in the price of oil and gas to China’s decision to stop exporting to the Russia-Ukraine war and the potential rail strike. [...]

Inflation Busting Strategies with Lisa Anderson and Antonio Zrilic

Conversation with my colleagues from the Society for the Advancement of Consulting’s Supply Chain Special Interest Group, Lisa Anderson from Los Angeles, California and Antonio Zrilic from Zagreb, Croatia discussing inflation busting strategies that companies can adopt to ameliorate the effects of rising inflation.

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