Data Analytics & Business Intelligence

How to Turn Data into Insights?

Data Analytics & Business Intelligence

Every successful client is focused on profitable growth and ensuring they provide powerful customer value. In order to succeed with these objectives with unending volatility, clients must stay on the leading edge with their use of technology. A modern ERP system with data analytics and business intelligence is no longer optional to meet the ever increasing and changing customer expectations. In fact, to support scalable, profitable growth, turning data into insights is of paramount importance.

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Blog posts for Data Analytics & Business Intelligence

Data Analysis and Predictive Analytics - Business Insights for Success

Business Value of Data Analysis & Predictive Analytics

In working across company sizes, industries, and geographies, in almost 20 years of business consulting, every single client without exception needed to better utilize data to improve customer service and bottom line results. Smart clients are turning data into insights so that they can pinpoint where to focus quickly.

Insights on software for successful S&OP implementation. Expert tips by LMA Consulting for effective S&OP management and optimization

Do You Need Software to be Successful with S&OP?

As clients become interested in S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning), also known as SIOP (Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning) to get in front of customer requirements while simultaneously increasing margins and profits, executives want to know if software is required to support S&OP success. Is Software Required to Support […]

"Optimize SIOP and Customer Experience: Expert Data Strategies by LMA Consulting Group. Improve business outcomes with effective data management

Cleansing, Connecting & Consolidating Data to Support SIOP / S&OP and a Superior Customer Experience

One issue of significant importance during the current volatile times that was also key during previous periods (aggressive growth prior to the pandemic, the downturn of the Great Recession, etc.) is the critical importance of providing a superior customer experience. It is evergreen for companies that want to grow […]

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