
Data Analytics & Business Intelligence

Data Driven Leader

Actionable data drives the most successful businesses. To cut through today’s information overload a data driven leader has to be incisive, creative, and decisive. One of the concepts that came out of APICS 2014 was the concept of a data driven leader. We are overloaded with data and messages [...]

Data Mining for Dummies

Maneuvering in today’s fast-paced business environment requires actionable information, which data mining provides. Locate your data to make your next strategic move. As I've been putting together a SIOP (Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning) executive meeting presentation, it made me think about data mining. In this case, there is [...]

Turning Data Into Dollars

Extract the right data at the right time in a meaningful format for decision-making. Almost every company I work with seems to get caught up in the bells and whistles of their new or upgraded software; however, when push comes to shove, the bells and whistles mean nothing if [...]

Big Data & The Supply Chain

Big data is now central to supply chain management. As much as I rarely jump on the latest buzzword bandwagons (as I find them to be a waste of time), big data is an important emerging topic in supply chain.

The foundation of business success – Data Integrity

After working with many companies on a wide range of business issues, one common element permeates through all of them - the need for improvement with data integrity. It is much more than a "systems" topic; it is cornerstone to your business success. The integrity of data (whether manual [...]

2024-06-15T13:50:00-07:00April 25, 2013|Categories: Data Analytics & Business Intelligence, ERP & Technology|Tags: , , |

Leverage Your ERP System for Bottom Line Business Results

In my conversations and discussions with clients, bankers, CPA's and business contacts, I have a different picture than is presented in the news and is implied in recent stock market performance. In my view, there is a stabilization; however, this "new normal" business environment is one characterized by lower [...]

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