
ERP Selection & Upgrades

Leverage Systems for Growth

If you’re riding a wave of growing demand put systems in place that can support the increased workload and not wipe out your goals. Lately I've been talking with many clients and potential clients who are interested in growth. Although rapid growth is exciting, it can also be one [...]

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

With every business looking for a customer service edge your CRM system should set you apart from your competitors to create customer loyalty. Keeping with the customer theme, I thought a brief discussion on CRM would be in order. In the last 5 years, I've seen the importance of [...]

Transaction Criticality

Transactions occur so often you may not even be giving them a second thought. But each one has the potential to affect growth and profits. Few executives think much about transaction criticality. Transactions certainly aren't strategic; however, I have seen numerous clients growth and profit plans negatively affected by [...]

The Value of CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

I'm in process of teaching my first APICS CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) session, and earlier today I taught a section on CRM.  In addition, I've been helping clients select the "right" ERP system to best meet their business priorities, and CRM has emerged as a top priority.  The [...]

The Power of Dashboards

Focusing on relevant, actionable data is easier to manage when you can prominently display it on your dashboard. I've been working with a rapidly growing, smaller client that sees the power of dashboards. I have to tip my hat to them as most $50 and $100 million dollar companies [...]

Critical Success Factors are the 80/20 of ERP – and Business – Success

Published January 16, 2015 One of my clients had three sets of ERP system demos this week in a quest to select the best system to meet their business objectives. Not only is it a vital part of selecting the optimal system, I also find that it is always [...]

Selecting the Right ERP System

For a better return on your investment select the ERP system based on which is most compatible with your business processes vs. technical prowess. ERP systems are not of much value by themselves; however, if you leverage the appropriate functionality to support your business, it can pay back rapidly [...]

Why Upgrade Your ERP System?

With improvements in the economy and increasing customer expectations this may be the right time to upgrade your ERP system software. I've been talking with an increasing number of manufacturers and distributors who are beginning to think about upgrading technology and specifically their ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Selecting [...]

2023-09-16T16:11:12-07:00October 1, 2014|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , , , |

The Manufacturing Connector – Systems Pragmatist

To achieve significant progress on new organizational processes or systems tackle the fundamental to do list first: understand your current processes to figure out where the opportunities for improvement and systems leverage lie.

Data Mining for Dummies

Maneuvering in today’s fast-paced business environment requires actionable information, which data mining provides. Locate your data to make your next strategic move. As I've been putting together a SIOP (Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning) executive meeting presentation, it made me think about data mining. In this case, there is [...]

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