
ERP Selection & Upgrades

What’s the Best Way to Implement ERP Software?

ERP Implementation: Know the Plan, Process, Budgeting, Training and More The implementation of ERP requires more planning and budgeting than a wedding. Just like marriage, without proper preparation and planning, it often ends in failure. Whether you’re an ERP software veteran upgrading your current system or a newcomer, it’s no question [...]

SelectHub: You ERP Selection & the Pandemic

Click here to view this recording (Registration required to view webinar recording.)

Should We Prioritize or Deprioritize Innovation & Technology During the Coronavirus

What is the first thing that happens when a client is shutdown due to the coronavirus? Cut all unnecessary spending. Certainly, I agree with this approach in most situations. If you cannot pay for your employees, you shouldn't pay for unnecessary expenses! However, if the situation isn't dire, it [...]

2024-02-15T21:24:17-08:00March 31, 2020|Categories: ERP Selection & Upgrades, Innovation, Manufacturing|Tags: , |

SAP: Intelligent ERP: The Foundation of Digital Evolution

Businesses need an integrated, holistic vision of their operations to succeed in the digital age. Legacy ERP solutions can block communication, collaboration, and innovation. Guest experts Tim Crawford, Lisa Anderson, Eric Kavanagh and Tom Roberts explore how businesses can adopt–and make the most of–next-generation ERP. Click here to listen.

2023-10-16T19:39:39-07:00March 19, 2020|Categories: ERP Selection & Upgrades, Podcasts|Tags: |

Going Live on a New ERP System and the Importance of People

A client is going live on a new ERP system shortly, and so it is top of mind. As is ALWAYS the case, as you get close to the finish line, issues pop up and it feels like one nightmare after another. With that said, the team is doing [...]

8 tips for a successful ERP upgrade project

"You have to educate your users, which is different from training them”, said Lisa Anderson, founder and president of Claremont, CA-based LMA Consulting Group, Inc. and manufacturing expert known for creating supply chain resiliency. === Whether you love them or hate them, ERP upgrades are a fact of life. Nowadays, they [...]

2024-02-15T21:35:26-08:00February 13, 2020|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades, In The News|Tags: , , |

ERP software trends: what you should know for 2019

In today's marketplace, not only is the Amazon Effect in full force — requiring rapid deliveries and quick, data-driven decisions — but disruption abounds.

2024-02-16T18:23:18-08:00December 18, 2019|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades, In The News|Tags: , , |
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