
ERP & Technology

Supply Chain Resiliency: Top Requests from Clients on Technology

ERP has become much more of a strategic topic. It isn't about blocking and tackling and using ERP to achieve tactics.  Instead, it is about whether a business has the technology and systems to scale in a scalable, profitable way. Do your systems support your customers' needs? 

What’s Ahead in Technology?

To think about what's ahead in technology, it is important to put it in perspective with what's ahead in business.

Top Two Issues According to Wells Fargo Customers

Beyond talent, you had better protect your company from cyber security threats.  It is as simple as "get an expert immediately if you aren't already working with one", no matter your organization's size.  Small organizations are more likely to be attacked! 

The Resilient Supply Chain: Should We Invest in Technology?

If we invest in every opportunity, we could "go broke".  How do we decide?  And will it help us create a resilient supply chain?

2024-06-09T18:24:33-07:00November 26, 2018|Categories: ERP & Technology|Tags: , , , , , , |

Bryan Vansell, President & Owner, Laguna Clay Company

Bryan Vansell

The Resilient Supply Chain: Are You Prepared for AI & Automation?

Will artificial intelligence and automation impact your industry?  Most likely the answer is yes; the only question is how. 

Are Your Ready for a Systems Transformation?

The topic of Systems Transformation seems to be arising more frequently lately.  How do you know if it is time to consider a systems transformation?

2024-02-16T21:44:46-08:00August 12, 2018|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , , , |

28 Expert Opinions Every Business Leader Should Know About Enterprise AI

“AI" and machine learning will have a profound impact over the next few years! For example, instead of following preventative maintenance schedules according to a rolling calendar which is likely to create unnecessary machine downtime while not resolving all of the unexpected machine breakdowns, AI can flip this equation on its head!”

2024-02-16T21:45:54-08:00August 6, 2018|Categories: ERP & Technology, In The News, Supply Chain Technologies|Tags: , |

Ireland’s Lean, Green Forklift Plant Proves Robots & IoT Not Required

According to a new an Industry Week article, you can achieve amazing growth and success without robots and IoT!  Combilift has used innovation, creativity and the customer experience to go it alone with amazing results!  Safer, simpler, smarter is their tag line.

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