
ERP & Technology

Forget Data Cleanup and Find a Measure to Start NOW!

Are you mired in data cleanup and not focused on measures that can immediately help you? Stop searching for the “right” data lever and look for measures to track and improve processes.

Technologies Transforming Supply Chains

Modern marvels and new information technologies are transforming supply chains.

Strategic Data

Data can be just an item requiring storage and memory or data can be strategic. Are you thinking about how to leverage your systems and how to put the 'right' collaboration tools in place to gain data from your supply chain partners?

2024-05-21T22:36:45-07:00November 22, 2016|Categories: Data Analytics & Business Intelligence, ERP & Technology|Tags: , |

Unscrambling a Challenged System Implementation

When faced with a challenging system implementation, take a step back and reassess instead of devoting more resources to a plan that may not work out.

Resurrecting a Struggling System Implementation

Take the necessary steps and dedicate resources to review processes and think more broadly about specific steps and functions before the purchase of a new ERP system.

Agile or Traditional Project Management: Which is Better?

Although traditional project management gains results, using a bit of agile common sense can provide two critical factors in the current business climate – speed and flexibility.

ERP Project Success: How to be Part of the 20%

More and more clients are pursuing ERP implementation projects as executives realize they need better tools to support business objectives – growth, service, margins, cash and the like

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