
ERP & Technology

Strategies for AI in Manufacturing & Supply Chain

What is All the Hoopla Over ChatGPT? If you haven't been living under a rock, you've heard about ChatGPT and other AI (artificial intelligence) competitors such as Google's Bard and Elon Musk's AI platform. Everyone has gotten into the conversation, from marketing professionals to tech experts to people like [...]

It’s Not Whether to Integrate AI—But When, Where, and How

CLAREMONT, Calif., April 3, 2024/ExpertClick/—The key to positive AI integration is to explore opportunities and understand where this technology can best be used, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Organizations that start the process now will gain a clear advantage of scale, having had more [...]

Modernize Your ERP System: A Guide for Selection and Implementation Success

Why Modernize Your ERP System? There might not be a need. Since it is one of the largest expenses your company will undertake, and, more importantly, it will impact customer performance and profitability (positively or negatively), there is no reason to jump into the deep end of the pool [...]

Hot Topics in 2023 – Sustainability, Skills, and Automation

In this episode of Interlinks, I'm joined again by my colleagues from the supply chain special interest group of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting (SAC) to discuss some of the big issues facing businesses in 2023, namely sustainability, talent, and automation.

When to Upgrade Your Systems: the Southwest Airlines Holiday Debacle

It depends. Being the first to upgrade for each new fad is a waste of resources for little, if any, benefit. On the other hand, if the upgrade supports your ability to serve customers and grow profitably, it will become a "must".

SelectHub: ERP Trends: Future of Enterprise Resource Planning

Lisa Anderson was quoted in SelectHub on what will be important in ERP circles in the year ahead. Read about the importance of business intelligence and ERP. "Clients have realized they need to be able to slice and dice data to quickly assess changing conditions, make directionally correct decisions rapidly to keep demand and supply aligned and get a quick [...]

Voice of ERP Interview

The Voice of ERP’s host Sam Gupta interviews guests who will share their stories of successes and challenges with their ERP systems. Lisa Anderson and Sam Gupta talked through several ERP stories and provided strategies for success in using ERP systems successfully.

The MacGyver Approach: Leveraging Your Underutilized ERP Asset

Can You More Fully Utilize Your ERP System? Undoubtedly, yes. ERP has always been a core specialty of LMA Consulting, and we have worked with every single client on selecting, utilizing, and upgrading ERP capabilities. In our experience, 100% of clients can more fully utilize their ERP system. Why [...]

The LMA Experience

LMA client, Armacell LLC, provides senior management, operations management, supply chain management (integrated business planning), and sales viewpoints on their experience in working with the LMA team and the results they achieved.

Using ERP & Related Technologies to Automate, Digitize & Thrive

Manufacturers utilize less than 20% of the full functionality of their ERP systems. But the key question is, why does it matter? In today’s inflationary and supply chain disrupted business environment, manufacturers need to automate and digitize to ‘do more with less’ and thrive during these volatile times. One important way to achieve this goal is to further leverage your ERP system where it will make a difference.

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