
ERP & Technology

Manufacturers Trending to Digital

According to the Hackett Group, 77% of companies have strengthened their commitment to digital transformation due to the COVID crisis. In fact, they are not only strengthening their commitment, but the pace of adoption is increasing. A McKinsey survey found that the pandemic has significantly accelerated the pace of [...]

Leveraging Technology to Maintain a Competitive Edge

I was recently quoted throughout an article in SelectHub "Manufacturing Trends: Leveraging Software and Tech to Maintain a Competitive Edge", and so it has been top of mind. Software and technology will be cornerstone to success as we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic. For example, according to the Hackett [...]

Case Study: Overloaded with Data Issues?

Even the best of clients have all sorts of data issues. It is actually quite surprising how this issue runs across industries, company sizes and types of ownership. So, what should we do about it? Let's talk through a client example and the successful path forward. Situation Although quite [...]

Thriving Post COVID with Technology Advancements

Clients on the fast-track with technology advancements are surpassing the competition during COVID and are likely to speed by them post COVID. This is the topic of a special report I contributed to that was published by Compass magazine "Agility in a crisis: Manufacturers equipped with virtual-experience technologies stepped [...]

2024-06-14T08:26:07-07:00December 1, 2020|Categories: ERP & Technology, Supply Chain Technologies|Tags: , , |

B2B, B2C & Associated Technology

According to 99 Firms, B2B e-commerce will hit $1.8 trillion by 2023. They have also stated that over 80% of B2B buyers visit a website before making a purchasing decision.

Top Change Management Tips for ERP Implementation Success

  "Change management determines ERP implementation success" may be the most-ignored advice in the enterprise technology realm. That doesn't make it any less important. ERP offers significant business advantages -- but only if it is widely adopted. And that means CIOs and other leaders must prioritize people. "Particularly in [...]

Drive Agility and Innovation with ERP in the Cloud

“Cybersecurity risks do nothing but increase over time, and that means more risk than many security teams can keep up with,” says Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, which specializes in supply-chain modernization." Business transformation is a battle fought on many fronts, and one of the most important [...]

Digitization of the Supply Chain is Accelerating

With COVID, the rise of e-commerce, and the pressures of profitability, Industry 4.0 and the digitization of the supply chain is accelerating. What was on track for 2030 prior to COVID should be expedited to 2021 or 2022 to keep pace with needs.

The Future of Technology

Technology is a tricky topic. On one hand, almost everyone has put technology and ERP implementations on hold due to concerns about COVID impacts and to conserve cash. On the other hand, it is the best time to gain employees' attention and focus to upgrade technology to scale the business, create a superior customer experience and deliver bottom line results.

Automation or Autonomous?

While leading a panel "Building Resiliency in the Supply Chain" with gurus from Georgia Tech, the leading experts in global logistics and associated research, several intriguing concepts arose.

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