Lisa Anderson shares advice on how to identify your top 3 problems and brainstorm solutions.


There’s no denying that visual management software, tools and skills are considered hot button topics within offices around the world.

Managers have their own ways of getting work done, and very few are eager to completely change their ways or disrupt their employees’ current workflows.

However, if you can manage to set aside the spreadsheets, your business can thrive. Here’s why you should switch to visual project management software, and how to start the transition.

Regardless of the Company or Industry, Most Projects are Failing

Annually, the Standish Group creates a Chaos Report that studies thousands of projects — from minor upgrades to major software launches — and evaluates their success based on a variety of factors. One of the most striking points is that fewer than 30% of projects are considered a success, and about 20% fail completely.

Prove that Visualizations Solve Problems

As your team starts to utilize the new software tool, make sure you highlight the ways visualization has solved various problems and made their process flow easier.

Lisa Anderson, President of LMA Consulting Group, Inc., shared her process for using project management to remove obstacles in a piece for PM Times.

Her first piece of advice is to identify your top three problems and brainstorm alternative solutions. “Soon, you’ll have far fewer obstacles to overcome — and you’ll likely become more effective by default since you can focus on fewer issues at a time!”

Visual management software can help you create “if-then” trees to reduce stress. This way, when a crisis eventually strikes, your team will have its backup plan ready and can execute it easily.

Very few companies believe they have time for overhaul their systems and train their employees on a new tool, but the reality is they can’t afford not to. Continuing with the status quo will inevitably lead to more missed deadlines, frustrated employees and continued financial loss.

Published in Team Focus on July 5, 2016

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