
Are you paying attention to your leaders? You better! There is vast disruption. People are getting frustrated and tired of the coronavirus. Employees are anxious about the election and unrest. There are issues around the globe. Our best clients are on top of what’s going on with their people, and their people are largely focused, productive and optimistic. On the other hand, we have seen more people going off the deep end than ever before. Do you know if your people are at risk? We talk about the importance of leadership and provide a few ideas for consideration in our video.

One Tip to Implement This Week:

In the last several weeks, we’ve seen at least 3-4 people go over the edge. Unfortunately, these folks are acting out in negative and unacceptable ways. Undoubtedly, it is tough on them. It is tough on our clients and colleagues, and it has absolutely resulted in at least 5 times the effort to turn these situations/ groups around to the positive. Let’s work together to stop these issues before they arise!

Why not start by thinking about a few questions:

  1. Are you staying in touch with your employees? Do you know how your employees are doing?
  2. Are you building flexibility into your work environment? Clearly, disruptions abound. We cannot be prepared for every disruption but we can get prepared to be agile in our response.
  3. Are you providing support such as EAP programs? It can be a stressful time, and so it is essential that it is recognized and appropriate support provided. Experts and psychologists have been emphasizing the importance.
  4. Are you keeping the level of focus high? Employees want to follow a strong leader. Too much focus on distractions simply distracts.
  5. Are you allowing your employees some level of control over their situation? During times of disruption, who wants to be completely out of control over their work environment as well? There are ways to provide choice and input within guidelines.
  6. Are you keeping performance discussions and accountability high? As much as it seems like it might be a time to deemphasize accountability, it isn’t. Instead, it is important to keep performance discussions at the forefront. Are you helping your people innovate and move forward?

Consider these strategies to provide bold leadership and make an impact. Read more about these types of ideas to navigate and successfully emerge post COVID-19 in my free eBook Future-Proofing Manufacturing & Supply Chain Post COVID-19. Please send your feedback and stories. I will incorporate into an article, video or interview.

Stay safe & healthy.