Inventory Management & Control

Inventory Management & Control Consulting

Inventory Management & Control

As executives continue to navigate these volatile economic conditions, the focus on inventory management increases. It is especially tough to determine what to do if you don’t know if sales opportunities will dramatically increase as the competition falters and consumers drive demand or if sales will tank as recession fears increase and business optimism falters. Worse yet, even if you can get ahead of the most likely scenarios and build resiliency into your processes, supply chain disruptions continue to abound. Thus, the best and proactive are increasing the focus on inventory management and are prioritizing strategic decisions related to inventory. Likewise, the worst are also prioritizing inventory because they are panicked over cash flow. As you can imagine, inventory expertise is in high demand!

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Blog posts for Inventory Management

Effective inventory management techniques to ensure economic stability and cost control during economic turbulence

Managing Inventory and Cost to Navigate Economic Turbulence

The world faces economic headwinds. According to the Economist, Europe’s economy only grew at 4% this decade as compared with 8% of the United States and is struggling with a triple shock of the energy crisis, surging Chinese imports, and the threat of tariffs from the United States.

Essential inventory accuracy - foundation for operational efficiency, customer service, and growth. Learn more

Why Is Inventory Accuracy Foundational to Success?

Inventory accuracy is foundational to success. Most clients aren’t concerned about inventory, and they shouldn’t be if they can count on what their system says.

Interlinks Podcast - Unlocking Success: Getting Back to Basics

Getting Back to Basics to Succeed in Supply Chain

In this episode of Interlinks, I am joined again by my colleagues from the supply chain special interest group of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting to discuss the issue of how and why so many businesses are overlooking the fundamentals of business as we emerge from a period of turbulence characterized by pandemic war and supply chain realignments into an uncertain future.

Complimentary 30 Minute Discussion

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