Weak leadership is prevalent but surmountable by starting with an attitude adjustment. Instead of thinking of other leaders as “they”, remember that it’s a team effort and collaborate as “we”.

80% of leaders are not living up to the task! We come across hundreds of leaders every year – at our clients, non-profit work and while connecting with former colleagues and key contacts. It is unimaginable how many weak leaders there are out there! If you have some of the stronger ones, HANG ON tight!

The amount of wishy-washy leaders is simply mind-boggling. How can we get a grasp on this BIG problem rapidly? Start by taking a step back and think about “they”. When you catch yourself saying, “They won’t let me” or “They want xyz”, think about they. Who are they? Put a name to “they”.

If you are a manager, perhaps it is your boss, a Director, the CEO or CFO. Do you know? When I became “they”, it was amazing how often I had to catch myself thinking “they”, correcting it to “me or us” — even if it was the executive team, I was responsible to collaborate with this group so it was still up to me to resolve. Or, is there really no “they”? It becomes just something we say. What if we have to start owning “they”?

If you are an employee, who is “they”? Insist upon a name or group of names. The roadblocks are suddenly less complicated if we can identify the roadblock (the “they”). If you are the CEO, perhaps you are “they” – unless you are thinking of the Board of Directors or corporate (if you are a General Manager). As in my example, it really circles back to you to address the “they”.

Once you know specifically who “they” is, repeat your statement again. Do you really think “they” will not allow you to proceed with what you think is best for the company, your customer, etc.? If so, go talk to your manager. Perhaps you and your manager can go to “they” together.

In our experience, “they” disappear quite quickly. Results will follow. And, leaders will begin to soar.

© Lisa Anderson