
Communication & Collaboration

The Power of In-Person Communication

I am certainly a believer that much can be accomplished remotely. Actually I am doing more and more to help my clients remotely, and we are achieving substantial results - and significant returns on investment.

The Power of Communication

Make improving communications the cornerstone of your goals and you will have more engaged participants willing to help you achieve the rest of your goals. If there is one thing that ALL of my clients have in common, it is that communication always needs improvement. It almost seems like [...]

2023-09-15T17:44:09-07:00September 3, 2015|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |

Amazon & US Postal Service Collaborate for Success

Published September 5, 2014 According to today's Wall Street Journal, Amazon and the US Postal Service are testing a new delivery service for groceries including meat, produce etc. They already partner on Sunday deliveries and are expanding their collaboration efforts to see if this new model can be successful. [...]

Collaborate and Thrive

Collaboration at work is vital to make all of the pieces fit together to improve teamwork, customer service and profitability. I’m seeing that only those clients who collaborate thrive. More and more, customers are demanding dramatically improved service and shorter lead times. Mega distributors like Amazon are elevating expectations. [...]

2023-09-09T14:39:52-07:00April 10, 2014|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |

Communications Rule!

Too busy to communicate? Research reveals that communications skills are lacking in the manufacturing and distribution workers. As much as we know that communication is critical, we often ignore this key area. We are swamped with daily work, getting the month's sales shipped out, learning the latest technical gadget [...]

2023-09-15T17:45:40-07:00January 7, 2014|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |

The Power of Relationships is Immense

Never underestimate the importance of relationships - especially their effect on the bottom line. The power of relationships is immense! I typically partner with clients to accomplish significant bottom line results on a wide variety of topics ranging from organizational change and culture projects to process projects such as [...]

2023-08-30T20:42:27-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, Talent & Leadership|
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