
Talent & Leadership

Looking for Opportunities for the New Year

A brand new year is the logical time to look for business growth opportunities. The trick is in spotting the right chances and acting on them. It seems like a good idea to look for opportunities to grow your business, elevate your business performance and/or dramatically increase the value [...]

Are You Planning for Failure?

Your business won’t thrive if you expect the worst. Instead, plan for the best outcome and watch it unfold. Are you planning for failure? I imagine no one thinks they plan for failure; however, I see it happen more than you'd think. Instead, plan for success, and success will [...]

2020-09-28T21:01:49-07:00January 1, 2015|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , , , , , |

It Begins and Ends with Leadership

Employees trust and follow proven leaders — those that motivate, communicate, and know what they’re talking about. As a tribute to my HR mentor who recently retired after a long and successful career in organizational development and HR (congrats Debra), I have to tip my hat (if I wore [...]

Retaining your Best & Brightest is Key to a Successful Succession Plan

Published in tED Magazine on December 2014 According to a survey performed by the LMA Consulting Group (lma-consultinggroup.com) in conjunction with the APICS Inland Empire Chapter (apics-ie.org), executives said that succession planning is tied as a No. 1 priority in retaining top talent. This is especially noteworthy when considering [...]

Strategies to Succeed with Organizational Change

Organizational change doesn’t have to be scary. It is an opportunity for innovation and creating a positive workplace as long as strategy and frequent communication are applied. Volatility is the new normal. Those organizations that can succeed with change will thrive. Thus, it is worthwhile thinking about how to [...]

Are You Thankful for Your Employees?

The best companies thrive because their employees are valued members of the company – everyone’s labor matters and they know it. Are you thankful for your employees? And do you see your employees as a cost line of your P&L or do you consider them an asset? In my [...]

2023-09-17T00:20:25-07:00November 27, 2014|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |

How to Select Priorities

You’re in danger of spinning your wheels aimlessly by having too many priorities. Focus on the priorities that truly impact your business and are aligned with your strategy. I've yet to meet a client that didn't have FAR too many priorities for what could be achieved successfully. Instead of [...]

Essential Skills of the Supply Chain Superhero

Surviving and flourishing in today’s business environment increasingly demands more of the supply chain professional, including excelling at soft and technical skills. According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 70% of U.S. workers are not engaged. What a startling statistic! Through observation of clients, trade association members, and colleagues, I'd [...]

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