
Talent & Leadership

What Sort of People Culture Do You Need for Lean?

Team attitude, knowledge, skills, and resources will make or break the successful implementation of lean. The best managers prepare the company culture for a bumpy but rewarding ride.

Leadership Is the Cornerstone to Delivering Better Business Results

Profit through People by mentoring, listening, training and valuing employee input and contributions. As I’ve been going through my hundreds of articles to put together the 100 tips, it’s become obvious as to which topics resonated with me as essential to delivering bottom line business results.  Here are a [...]

Delivery, Pricing and Sales Support Top List of Three Ways Customer Expectations Changed for Manufacturers and Distributors According to Research

CLAREMONT, Calif., July 15, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group(SM) and a supply chain management expert, hypothesized that Amazon and companies like Amazon have had an impact on service demands for manufacturers and distributors. In a recent study measuring the "Amazon Effect," Anderson found that [...]

An Immediately Implementable Tip to Retain Your Top Supply Chain Talent

Published July 11, 2014 According to a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers survey, 63% of CEOs in 68 countries are concerned about the future availability of key skills at all levels. This not only supports my firm's skills gap research but also is proven true on a daily basis with my clients, [...]

Best of the 100: Profit through People

As I've been going through my hundreds of articles to put together the 100 tips, it's become obvious as to which topics resonated with me as essential to delivering bottom line business results. Here are a few highlights from the people perspective: People are your #1 asset - If [...]

2020-10-06T21:19:52-07:00July 1, 2014|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|

Kick Off the New Year with Power

As the holidays come to a close work looms depressingly larger for some. Business leaders have to step in to hike motivation levels and bring goals back into focus so that 2015 starts on a strong productive note. Published in ProjectTimes, January 8, 2014 Often, the holiday aftermath can [...]

Watching Metrics Trends

Collecting lots of data isn’t enough to improve service levels. A successful manager tracks relevant metric trends and puts the information into action. One of the keys to success for any business is to watch metrics trends. In my experience, if a client watches key trends, they tend to [...]

Why are Communications So Difficult?

Communications can get muffled in a busy work environment, but effective leadership makes information delivery a key component in daily operations. In my almost 25 year-career in manufacturing and distribution, I've yet to see a company with "perfect" communications. I've seen a few stars (unfortunately the 20% of the [...]

Continuous Education Will Give You an Edge

In a society of over-communication, you’ll stand out through continuous education and committment to learning.In today’s marketplace, it is no longer enough to be good.  You must stand out from the crowd in some way that is different or exceptional.  Just think about the information overloaded society – how [...]

2020-09-25T23:46:50-07:00May 1, 2014|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|

Motivate Employees as One Critical Way to Retain Top Performers

Keeping employees engaged and motivated can be your single greatest competitive advantage. A motivated employee can move mountains. A disgruntled employee creates havoc. Which do you have? As results are critical to success, I thought it was worth pursuing how to motivate employees; however, as important as results are, [...]

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