
Talent & Leadership

Put the Spark Back in Manufacturing

The APICS-IE executive panel and networking symposium is an opportunity to join with your colleagues (and competitors) to learn and collaborate. Only those manufacturers and distributors who want to thrive in 2014 will join in, collaborate and be a bigger part of the community! In todays’ increasingly complex world, [...]

2023-09-09T14:36:18-07:00April 17, 2014|Categories: Manufacturing, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Collaborate and Thrive

Collaboration at work is vital to make all of the pieces fit together to improve teamwork, customer service and profitability. I’m seeing that only those clients who collaborate thrive. More and more, customers are demanding dramatically improved service and shorter lead times. Mega distributors like Amazon are elevating expectations. [...]

2023-09-09T14:39:52-07:00April 10, 2014|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |

Walk with Confidence

Take notice of the impact your nonverbal presence has on those around you to improve your connection with people. I've noticed lately that walking and speaking with confidence can go a long way! Did you know that 93% of your impact comes through nonverbal channels? Perhaps it's best to [...]

Manufacturing Management Success: Managing in Today’s Complex World

Complexity abounds in manufacturing management; can you rise to the challenge? Complexity abounds!  Supply chains are extended. Risks must be mitigated. Rules and regulations are increasing. Talent is in short supply.  95% of business is outside the U.S. yet expanding internationally brings challenges and complexity. Customers are demanding more [...]

Metrics Rule!

You can't give attention to work priorities to grow a more profitable business if you aren't collecting data, measuring variables and tracking trends. I refer to one of my core service lines as "Eagle Eye" since I've found that selecting the right priorities to work on is half the [...]

The Skills Gap Issue is Growing

With an increasingly complex business environment, businesses need to know how to resolve skill gaps in their workplace The skills gap is a rapidly growing issue for manufacturers and distributors. Almost every day that I go into a client, go to a trade association meeting or talk with colleagues, [...]

Manufacturing & Distribution Employers Increasingly Rely on External Professional Development Programs to Bridge Skills Gap

Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group and a supply chain management expert who helps manufacturers and distributors elevate business performance with increased margins, cash flow and customer service performance, in conjunction with the APICS – Inland Empire chapter, conducted a skills gap survey honing in on how manufacturers [...]

2024-06-16T18:44:16-07:00January 8, 2014|Categories: Press Releases, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Communications Rule!

Too busy to communicate? Research reveals that communications skills are lacking in the manufacturing and distribution workers. As much as we know that communication is critical, we often ignore this key area. We are swamped with daily work, getting the month's sales shipped out, learning the latest technical gadget [...]

2023-09-15T17:45:40-07:00January 7, 2014|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |

Virtual Teams a “Must” in New Normal

Advances in telecommunications have created a new normal business environment that allows collaboration across functions, sites, organizations, and oceans—and continually raises customer expectations. Are you ready for 2014? Managing traditional supply chain teams will no longer be enough! Instead, in order to thrive in the new normal business environment, [...]

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