
Talent & Leadership

Is On-the-job Training Enough?

On-the-job training is rarely enough! In a survey conducted by my firm, LMA Consulting Group Inc. in conjunction with the APICS-Inland Empire chapter, it was found that on-the-job training is the most frequent methodology used to train workers yet 87% of manufacturers and distributors surveyed are experiencing a skills gap.  What [...]

Majority of Manufacturers Struggle to Find Qualified Candidates to Fill Open Positions in Latest Skill Gap Survey

Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, in conjunction with the APICS – Inland Empire chapter, conducted a skills gap survey which asked hiring managers and human resources professionals about recruiting and employment trends in manufacturing and distribution.  Results show that 77% of manufacturers and distributors are facing challenges [...]

2024-06-16T18:43:14-07:00December 10, 2013|Categories: Press Releases, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Hard to Find Needed Talent

77% of those surveyed are struggling to hire people with all of the required skill sets. Manufacturers and distributors cannot find top talent!  In a survey conducted by my firm, LMA Consulting Group Inc. in conjunction with the APICS-Inland Empire chapter, it was found that 77% of manufacturers are [...]

Cross-functional Experience is a Gem

Today’s supply chain managers need cross-functional experience to quickly grasp complex situations. One of the keys to being able to select the "right" strategic priorities at the "right" time in order to ensure business results occur is to be able to take cross-functional experience into account. It can be [...]

2023-09-16T14:35:24-07:00December 5, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |

Survey – The Skills Gap Issue

Many manufacturers and distributors are faced with bridging the skills gap in current employees and new hires. I recently partnered with the APICS (the leading association for supply chain and operations management) Inland Empire chapter to complete a survey on skill gaps as it is becoming a critical topic [...]

Retaining Top Talent – a Must for Success

Perception is reality and underappreciated employees move onto other opportunities. Retaining top talent should always be a priority; however, in today's market, losing even one top player can make the difference between success and failure. Since the recession, employers have expected employees to be generalists. In essence, employees at [...]

2023-09-16T19:02:17-07:00October 30, 2013|Categories: Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Leadership during Busy Times

Work amounts fluctuate but busy times are guaranteed. Set the work tone with calm leadership so team members don’t panic during hectic periods. Every week is busy, don’t you think? We always think next week will be better, but is it? Doubtful. Another corporate priority arises. A customer wants [...]

2023-09-16T14:31:15-07:00October 3, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |

The 4 Leadership Essentials Required for Long Term Success

Excellent leadership is required to outshine the competition. No matter the client, I’m continually reminded of the critical importance of leadership. If you have to choose between leadership skills and prior work experience / technical skills, undoubtedly, leadership skills must win the day. My clients with exceptional leaders outperform [...]

Ride the Wave & Succeed with Virtual Teams

Published in Project Times July 24, 2013 Managing traditional teams will no longer be enough! Instead, in order to thrive in the new normal business environment, learning how to master virtual teams will be a necessity! The new normal is characterized by volatility, lacklustre sales, elevated customer service expectations, [...]

2020-10-19T16:54:09-07:00August 29, 2013|Categories: In The News, Talent / Skills Gap|

What Does it Take to Have a Real Team?

Build successful teams that are cohesive and self-improving. It's rare for significant results to be achieved by individuals in today's economy; teams have substantially greater success. What do good ones have in common? One clear purpose - Typically, a team has one purpose since it's formed specifically for that [...]

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