
Talent & Leadership

How to Defy the Odds with Culture Change

Execution must be a core component of your organization’s culture Between 70-80%+ of culture change programs, such as mergers and acquisitions, fail to produce the results originally expected. Yet, there are still many private equity firms and companies aggressively searching to merge and/or acquire a business – and certainly [...]

Project Leadership Doesn’t Matter Unless You Care About Results

Published in Project Times on June 19, 2013 There's no need to be concerned with your project's leadership UNLESS you want to ensure success! It seems to be more challenging than ever to find excellent project leaders yet it is one of the most critical periods of time for [...]

2022-04-21T20:15:49-07:00July 22, 2013|Categories: In The News, Talent / Skills Gap|

Is Talent Important to You?

Do you know how to attract and retain the best employees? I have always believed that people are #1 to success. Without people, there is no business. I hear executives use these words; however, later they talk about people as costs. Which message do you think is taken away? [...]

2023-09-16T23:13:36-07:00July 15, 2013|Categories: Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Volatility is the New Norm – Are You Ready to Thrive with Change?

Published in Project Times, Wednesday, 24 April Click here for original article. Volatility is the new norm in today’s business environment. How often does your supplier decide to close up shop? Or, does your 20 year customer decide to go through a rigorous selection process? Or, does natural disaster [...]

It Begins & Ends with Leadership

Leadership is at the center of business success. As my HR mentor used to say, "It begins and ends with leadership". I've found this to be true across the board - my clients provide me with countless examples to prove her correct! For example, in one client, we struggled [...]

2023-09-16T11:59:44-07:00June 21, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |

Lantz on Leadership: A Practical Approach to Creating Profit through People and Process

In this radio talk show interview, Lisa Anderson provides tips and techniques on how to leverage people and processes to achieve the best business results and in preparation for the "new normal" business environment. Use controls below to listen. Download MP3

2023-09-10T22:30:25-07:00June 1, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Podcasts, Process Improvement|

Senior Management Commitment & the Bottom Line

As we emerge from the recession, businesses are beginning to think about spending precious cash on projects that will yield a significant return. Although I’m still seeing significant caution when it comes to “pulling the trigger” and “signing the check”; I am seeing a substantial increase in inquiries about [...]

2020-10-06T21:21:45-07:00May 9, 2013|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|

Leadership to Accelerate Bottom Line Results

In today’s “new normal” business environment, leadership is even more critical to achieving bottom line results because customers are demanding more for less, employees are concerned about the future and cash is tight. In my experience working with clients across multiple industries and globally, I’ve found there is one [...]

2020-11-30T22:01:00-08:00May 9, 2013|Categories: In The News, Leadership & Skills Development, Talent / Skills Gap|
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