
Talent & Leadership

How to Effectively Engage Employees and Achieve Results

Great leaders know how to engage and empower employees to thrive in the new normal business economy. In my recent conversations with clients and business contacts, a common concern has emerged: How to leverage the recovery to grow the business and increase profitability. There is considerable uncertainty surrounding how [...]

Driving a Winning Culture

How do you and your organization develop or maintain a winning culture? In my 20 years of experience in working with multiple companies across multiple industries and globally, there is a lot of talk about culture; however, little to no impact - bottom line results. On the other hand, [...]


Ask questions: Instead of talking, think of a provocative question and listen. By mastering the art of asking questions, you can help people learn and build confidence since they are developing their own answers, ideas, plans, etc. Celebrate mistakes; however, not trends of mistakes: Society typically penalizes mistakes. For [...]

2020-10-06T21:22:07-07:00May 3, 2013|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|

What Separates The Exceptional Leaders From The Pack?

Exceptional leaders are becoming harder and harder to find, while the need for them is reaching new heights. Global competition, Wall Street expectations, and employees' expanding set of career choices and desire for flexibility, in combination with an increasing shortage of available talent as the baby boomers retire is [...]

2020-10-06T21:23:18-07:00May 3, 2013|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|

Personal Success Tips For The New Year

As the New Year begins, there is always talk about New Year's resolutions. I don't make New Year's resolutions; as I figure that if I determine I should change something, why wait? And, it is rather overwhelming to have 1000 things add up to begin on January 1st! So, [...]

2020-10-06T21:23:50-07:00May 3, 2013|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|
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