
Talent & Leadership

Volatility is the New Norm

In today's new normal business environment, volatility is the new norm. Change is required to remain competitive or to become competitive. If you manage change better than your competition, you'll have the opportunity to leapfrog the competition. In the last several years, I've seen a multitude of examples of [...]

2023-08-25T17:32:41-07:00April 27, 2013|Categories: Change Management / Culture Change|Tags: , , |

How to make performance management work for you

How many managers or employees think performance management is worthwhile? From my experience and research, the answer is few. And, on the other hand, how many complain that the manager or employee is on a different page from one another? Most. This leaves a paradox - most people think [...]

Scorecards/ Metrics – how to make a difference to your bottom line

Why track performance? Not tracking performance would be the same as if you watched a football game and never knew the score - what fun would that be? And why watch at all? Scorecards and metrics are your tool for understanding progress towards your business goals and they provide [...]

2022-09-11T06:37:06-07:00April 27, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development|

Execution: The Difference Between Profit & Loss

Lately, I've been thinking about trends among my consulting clients and how my value has most helped in driving bottom line results. Undoubtedly, it boils down to execution. Those clients who are able to execute strategies and plans are those who are the most successful – grow the business [...]

Develop a Talent Edge

If there is one common recurring theme with my clients, it's that those companies who find and retain the best people will thrive while their competition struggles to remain in the game. In my experience in working with executives across multiple industries and globally, those who create a talent [...]

2022-09-06T08:13:28-07:00April 25, 2013|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Lost in the Culture Change Maze? 4 Strategies to Succeed

Navigating culture change is a requirement for success. Published in "Project Times" website, March, 2013 Click here for original article. In my 20+ years of experience as an operations executive, a global supply chain consultant and a non-profit trade association leader, I’ve found navigating culture change is a requirement [...]

Milan – the New York of Italy

What can we learn from European history? Take Milan’s the Duomo – what an amazing centerpiece for the city. Milan is the New York of Italy. There were far more business people walking about than in the other Italian cities we visited. As the center of business and fashion, [...]

2022-09-05T08:04:52-07:00December 1, 2012|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development|
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