
Talent & Leadership

My 5-City Cross-Country Trip & the Value of Collecting Good People

A personal account of a cross-country trip emphasizing the importance of building and maintaining connections with good people.

2024-02-16T21:26:25-08:00October 10, 2018|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Industry Week’s Salary Survey Finds Good Morale Yet Not Higher Wages

Insights from the Industry Week Salary Survey on manufacturing employee morale and the disparity in wage trends

2024-02-16T21:31:21-08:00September 24, 2018|Categories: Supply Chain Briefing, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Conflict & Collaboration in the Supply Chain

Have you thought about the role of conflict and collaboration in the supply chain?  When thinking of supply chain from creation to customer, there are many links and connections. 

People Rule!

Several situations have arisen recently that leads us to plead "choose wisely".  Examples abound on both sides of this topic.  Strong leaders attract top talent.  Weak and command and control leaders keep the weak and those close to retirement (in name only).  That is one of the things we [...]

2024-02-16T22:09:22-08:00June 14, 2018|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |

The Skills Gap Emerges as #1 at Prominent Supply Chain Conference

At the Southern California Supply Chain and Logistics Summit conference, there were several keynote speakers from industry icons such as Amazon, UPS, Union Pacific and more.  One might expect quite a lot of interesting insights into the latest supply chain trends yet the most common theme among the presentations tied back to the skills gap.

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