
Talent & Leadership

Best Practices and the Bellagio Fountain

If you are an employee, take the proactive approach and seek out your manager to discuss where the company is headed.  Find out how you can add more value. 

Who Should You Follow? Choose Wisely.

In today's Amazon-impacted marketplace, customers appreciate suppliers and advisers who will go the extra mile to provide that above and beyond service.  Just put yourself in their shoes. 

2024-02-20T22:30:22-08:00December 6, 2017|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , |

My Late Aunt Marge & the Art of Conversation

No matter your skill in conversation, you can improve. Start by focusing on the other person. That alone can go a long way.

2024-01-31T22:46:01-08:00October 14, 2017|Categories: Communication & Collaboration, I've Been Thinking, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |

Who Should You Follow? A Guide to Good Mentoring Relationships

Choose your mentoring relationship carefully. Look for professionals who talk the talk and walk the walk, people who deserve to be viewed as true mentors.

A Simple Follow-Up Increases Your Success by 20%…..Are You Doing It?

A simple follow-up can significantly enhance success rates. Are you leveraging this straightforward strategy to its full potential?

2024-03-15T17:28:49-07:00May 22, 2017|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |
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