
Transportation & Goods Movement

Trump’s Transportation Nominee Kicks Up Infrastructure

As one who drives the Los Angeles freeway system on a daily basis, it is obvious we need improvements; however, we also do not have time to deal with anything but a quick delivery of these improvements.

California Declares State of Emergency After Floods Wash Out Part of Interstate 10

Flood damage on Interstate 10 in California, leading to a state of emergency and significant disruptions to traffic and supply chains.

Transportation Trends: Avoid Weak Links in Your Supply Chain

Stay on top of the latest transportation trends to avoid weak links in your supply chain.

Ideas to minimize freight costs in today’s economy

Reduce freight costs with strategies like partnerships, shipment pooling, and using alternative transportation modes

Emerging Hot Topic – Transportation

With the price of fuel rising 30% from January to early June, transportation costs are rising in importance again. According to 80% of the finance chiefs interviewed by the Duke University/ CFO Magazine Global Business Outlook survey, high oil prices are hurting their business. I quickly learned that my [...]

2023-09-11T12:25:19-07:00September 15, 2011|Categories: Supply Chain Trade & Logistics, Transportation & Goods Movement|Tags: |
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