
Global Trade, Geopolitics, & Import/ Export

SAC: Global Business Opportunities Now Springing Up Everywhere

CLAREMONT, CA—While 2021 may be a year of mixed opportunities for global business, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC), if companies look closely they’ll find a myriad of opportunities to discover and exploit. E-Commerce Growth to Drive Supply Chain Opportunities “As vaccines are distributed at [...]

NBC 2 WGRZ: Ever Given’ ship stuck in the Suez Canal cost the economy $400M an hour

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc. discusses the economical impact the stuck cargo ship had on the global economy. ### The Ever Given cargo ship was grounded in the Suez Canal for over six days, causing an enormous backup in one of the world’s major trade [...]

Washington Post: Suez Canal Blockage & Impacts

I am thrilled to be quoted in the Washington Post in an article "Why a ship stuck in Egypt threatens the economy in the United States". The hot news of the week is that a container ship got stuck in the Suez Canal and has created a pileup of ships waiting to pass through the canal [...]

Why the Supply Chain is Strategic & the Backlog of Ships at the Ports

Everyone is talking about the backlog of ships at the ports and when it will be resolved, but is that the right question? NO! Of course we will eventually resolve the current backlog; however, there are continual disruptions in the extended supply chain, and so who knows what disruption will be next. [...]

The Massive Congestion at the SoCal Ports & Implications

There is massive congestion at the L.A. and Long Beach ports. The latest figures from the Journal of Commerce shows 63 container ships in the harbor (34 awaiting berths and 29 at the berths). Terminals are full and dwell times have doubled. The situation isn't good, and manufacturers, distributors [...]

A Ray of Hope with Export

As I participate with the California DEC (district export council) meeting as part of the Inland Empire DEC, I am reminded of the vast opportunity of export. This is especially true during the pandemic as manufacturers innovate to be able to support critical needs in the U.S. and throughout [...]

What’s Going On Around the World in Supply Chain?

  After receiving questions from multiple sources about "What's going on in Asia?", we dug into what's going on around the world (at a high level). In today's globally-connected world, it isn't a question you can ignore! Starting with Asia, from a supply chain point-of-view, product continues to move. [...]

Paying Attention to Reshoring & USMCA?

July 6, 2020 As supply chain has gained in prominence in the media with the increase in tariffs and the many challenges associated with coronavirus, reshoring has become of keen interest. Surveys are showing it is more than just a passing interest with executives. Instead, it is in [...]

What’s Going On with Asia Supply Chains

June 22, 2020 Supply chains are quite tenuous, and China drives the most volume: Coronavirus: Beijing is under a soft lockdown with a surge of virus cases. Although Beijing doesn't impact trade, it is another sign that China vastly under reported previously and it is likely to have a [...]

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