

Leveraging Technology to Maintain a Competitive Edge

I was recently quoted throughout an article in SelectHub "Manufacturing Trends: Leveraging Software and Tech to Maintain a Competitive Edge", and so it has been top of mind. Software and technology will be cornerstone to success as we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic. For example, according to the Hackett [...]

Global Supply Chain Experts on Reshoring

I participate with a group of the top 1% of consultants worldwide (the Society for the Advancement of Consulting), and we hosted two panel discussions on Reshoring in a Post COVID World. I moderated the first session with consultants from North America and the Pacific Rim, and there was another [...]

Representing the U.S. at The World Manufacturing Forum

I had the pleasure of representing the United States in the World Manufacturing Forum in thesession “Back to the Future: Manufacturing Beyond COVID-19“. I talked about the fact that weare at a crossroads between efficiency/ costs and resiliency/ responsiveness, how to turn that orinto an [...]

Reshoring in a Post COVID World

According to surveys in both North America and Europe, executives are not just talking about reshoring; they are taking action. Does that mean globalization is dead?

Back to the Future: Manufacturing Beyond COVID-19

The Manufacturing sector and global economy in general are being affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Knowing that we will have to adapt to a “New Normal”, it will be crucial to anticipate the economic and social changes that will be needed to reduce the negative [...]

Brushware magazine: Efficiency or Resiliency?

According to a McKinsey survey about COVID-19’s impact on operations and the future supply chain, supply chain leaders believe it will be transformed. For example, close to 75% experienced issues in the production, distribution and supplier footprint that will require changes in the future, and a whopping 93% of [...]

Life Sciences / Healthcare Products

Life Sciences / Healthcare Products Our Life Sciences/Healthcare Expertise We have 25+ years of experience in life sciences and healthcare products with clients ranging from family-owned to multimillion dollar global enterprises to private equity backed companies. We’ve worked with a wide variety of life science [...]

2024-06-22T22:33:28-07:00October 21, 2020|Tags: |

Inaugural LMA Futurist Award 2020: Corona Clipper

Since our 10 year anniversary in 2015, we have been recognizing people who have contributed to our success with our LMA Advocate award. In the last few years, we have been thinking about starting a corporate award of excellence. 
2023-10-18T11:31:14-07:00September 29, 2020|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Innovation, Manufacturing|Tags: , |

Reshoring in a Post COVID World & Upcoming Expert Panel

I was just interviewed by SAP Insights about the localization of supply chains and whether reshoring is a pipe dream or reality. Stay tuned for that article although this hot topic continues to arise as manufacturers and product-based companies realize the significant risk of having their full supply chain [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Announces LMA Consulting Advocate and Futurist Awards

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., has announced the 2020 LMA Advocate and Futurist Awards. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation to maximize the customer experience and enable profitable, scalable, dramatic business growth.
2024-06-16T20:47:49-07:00September 23, 2020|Categories: In The News, Innovation|Tags: , |
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