Manufacturing Expands at the Fastest Rate in 14 Years
According to ISM (Institute of Supply Management), manufacturing expanded more than it has in 14 years in February - it is on fire!
According to ISM (Institute of Supply Management), manufacturing expanded more than it has in 14 years in February - it is on fire!
Lisa Anderson presents the Manufacturer’s Council of the Inland Empire Innovation Award to Harvey Mudd College Students for their work with Purosil. The award was presented in February at the MCIE’s 2018 Manufacturers’ Summit.
GE's 3D-printed aircraft engine showcases cutting-edge manufacturing technology and efficiency.
Although education can be quite valuable, it might not be enough. Do you find a way to provide an experience?
Lisa Anderson was asked to participate in a panel discussion regarding the wider range of distribution developments that will be important in the next few years for continued manufacturing viability.
In the last week, not only have there been several articles about the positive strides manufacturing is making but it also has come up in several presentations we've attended such as the economic forecast. Here is a compilation of just a few of the HOT topics and trends.
In supply chain circles, there are lots of exciting concepts to discuss and debate such as lean, master scheduling, theory of constraints and many more; however, we have found that our most successful clients start with the customer!
Innovation can come in many shapes and sizes. Is innovation top of mind for you every day?
Think carefully about your real objective. Are you truly interested in cost cuts? For my part, I have yet to hear of a company vision, mission, or strategy that’s related to cutting costs.