

Manufacturing Opportunities in e-Commerce

Originally published in Brushware, March-April, 2023 According to Insider Intelligence, the US B2B e-commerce sales will be over $2 trillion by 2024. Digital Commerce 360 said that manufacturers’ B2B e-commerce sales have been growing at an annual rate of 16% since 2016 which is almost 1.5 times faster than [...]

Inventory Management: Go Back to the Basics for Success During Today’s Volatility

Volatility is the New Norm If there is one thing that is certain in today's world, it is that volatility and change are the new normal. VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) is top of mind for every client. For example, clients ask the following questions: What will happen next? [...]

SIOP/ S&OP Playbook: Creating Predictability & EBITDA Growth

The "Solution" to Successfully Dealing with Shortages, Delays & Inflation Supply Chains: There is No "Return to Normal" There is no "return to normal". Non-stop disruptions are the norm. Proactive clients are still struggling to hire the "right" talent in the "right" place at the "right" time. Material lead [...]

Take Control of Your Manufacturing to Wrestle Volatility to the Ground

What is clear is that VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) is continuing in the forefront and will continue to be our "new normal". As I recently debated with the Wall Street Journal, we are in an era of non-stop disruptions. Look no further than the escalating war of Russia [...]

West Coast Ports Diminishing Volume

According to the The Journal of Commerce, the West Coast ports are losing volume. The West Coast share of imports coming from Asia is down from 61.1% in 2021 to 58.8% in 2022 while the East Coast and Gulf Coast ports rose. According to the JOC, the ILWU contract negotiations are causing this change although there are concerns about drayage and rail as well.

Labor Scheduling: How to Maximize Operational Effectiveness While Servicing Your Customer

At its simplest, labor scheduling is determining which people (and which skills) you should have at which sites at which work centers at what time (shift) to ensure the right products can be delivered to the right customer at the right time.

How Packaging Can Contribute to the Triple Bottom Line

With the increase in interest in the three P’s of the triple bottom line (people, planet, and profit), packaging rises to the forefront. It is controllable, and there are several options for how packaging can contribute to the triple bottom line.

Supply Chain Dive: Did the Pandemic Really Kill Just-in-Time? Experts Weigh In

Lisa Anderson was quoted in Supply Chain Dive on whether just-in-time (JIT) is sill relevant or has the world moved to just-in-case.

Common Sense Manufacturing Practices Driving Sustainability Improvements

Posted in Adhesives & Sealants Industry, November  2022 With the increase in interest in sustainable materials and manufacturing, there will be a significant opportunity for U.S. manufacturers that use common sense, good manufacturing practices. In fact, because manufacturers have realized that it is far less environmentally friendly and energy [...]

Austin, It’s Skyline & Manufacturing Hub

I recently went to Austin, TX to speak at the MPO (Medical Product Outsourcing) Summit on reshoring and nearshoring in the medical device industry. While deep diving into the healthcare products/ medtech industry, I took a few days to see the sites of Austin. See below for a few of my favorites including an incredible skyline.

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