
Process Improvement

Business Process ROI

The latest trends, programs and technology might be exciting; however, they are not typically what will drive results. Instead, the right combination of people focused on business systems process review will typically lead to increased margins, efficiencies, service levels and cash flow. Will you take the time to achieve business process ROI?

Lantz on Leadership: A Practical Approach to Creating Profit through People and Process

In this radio talk show interview, Lisa Anderson provides tips and techniques on how to leverage people and processes to achieve the best business results and in preparation for the "new normal" business environment.

2024-12-14T19:37:59-08:00June 1, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Podcasts, Process Improvement|

Want to Improve Your Business But Not Sure Where to Start?

Learn how your business stacks up with internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT), then take action.

Lean – Fad or Vehicle to Bottom Line Results?

If you notice and act upon trends, you will succeed. In my 20 years of experience across multiple industries and globally, I've found that a secret to success is identifying trends EARLY in the process and then acting upon them as it makes sense.

Business Process Improvement to Drive Bottom Line Results

Business process improvement has almost become a "buzzword" - sounds good but what does it mean? What is really accomplished? Many times, companies create volumes of 1-inch thick binders of best practice processes, and yet achieve no bottom line results. Anyone seen these binders collecting dust on the bookshelf? [...]

2025-01-17T17:26:43-08:00April 27, 2013|Categories: Manufacturing, Process Improvement|Tags: , , , |

Reducing waste

In manufacturing, the only route to success is to manage costs, reduce waste, and increase efficiencies. From a waste point-of-view, here are six tips to successfully reduce waste which will not only reduce costs but it also improve customer service.

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