
Production & Inventory Management

Managing Inventory and Cost to Navigate Economic Turbulence

The world faces economic headwinds. According to the Economist, Europe’s economy only grew at 4% this decade as compared with 8% of the United States and is struggling with a triple shock of the energy crisis, surging Chinese imports, and the threat of tariffs from the United States.

Lisa Anderson, Supply Chain Expert Sheds Light on the Fragile State of the Aerospace Supply Chain

Lisa Anderson addresses the significant challenges posed by recent quality issues at Boeing and their widespread effects on the aerospace and related supply chains. Drawing from her in-depth industry experience, Ms. Anderson offers vital strategies for companies to navigate these disruptions effectively.

Bloomberg: LMA Consulting Group’s Lisa Anderson on Boeing

Lisa Anderson joined Bloomberg’s Markets The Close to talk about Boeing. The aerospace industry experienced significant shortages and delays following the pandemic, and finally smoothed out the supply chain issues as of December 2023. Companies were preparing for Boeing’s ramp up plans to support 5-10% growth through 2026 and [...]

Why Planning Is Impacted As Disruptions Abound

Disruptions have not stopped. China has been flying balloons over Taiwan. North Korea is threatening South Korea. Russia continues its war with Ukraine. Israel is at war with Hamas [...]

Master Scheduling & Production Planning Case Study: Gaining Visibility for Results

Although production and materials planning can be overlooked in its importance in most companies if going smoothly, it is cornerstone to success.

Best Production Planning Software – SelectHub

Production planning software is a manufacturing solution that helps you plan for and supervise essential workflows in the production process. Lisa Anderson gives her tips on what you should look for.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Highlights Proactive Backlog Management as a Keystone for Elevating Customer Service in Manufacturing

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – November 20, 2023 –  In a business landscape characterized by unprecedented business volatility, maintaining stellar customer service emerges as a critical differentiator for companies navigating the ebbs and flows of the current market. Manufacturing and Supply Chain Consultant Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD and President of [...]

Why Is Inventory Accuracy Foundational to Success?

Inventory accuracy is foundational to success. Most clients aren't concerned about inventory, and they shouldn't be if they can count on what their system says.

Scheduling Best Practices to Improve Service & Performance

The best companies focus on production scheduling. Even though Production Schedulers aren't typically highly paid positions, the function will make or break your ability to serve customers, improve operational performance and accelerate cash flow. Thus, it should be a key priority if you want to achieve profitable growth.

SIOP / S&OP: Balance Customer Orders, Inventory, & Profitability

If you want to serve your key customers successfully (with high on-time-in-full (OTIF), short lead times, and proactive service) so that you can take advantage of the opportunities coming down the pike while addressing the hard realities of the current business environment (potential recessions, high interest rates, and less access to capital), you MUST balance sales, operations and inventory.
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