
Production & Inventory Management

Ideas to increase cash flow

Businesses should always look for ways to increase cash flow.

Tips for surviving a physical inventory

Achieve accurate physical inventory counts through thorough preparation, halting movements, clear communication, and progress tracking.

Tips for decreasing inventory levels without affecting your customers!

effective inventory reduction strategies that maintain customer satisfaction, emphasizing skilled personnel and structured processes

Achieving Inventory Velocity “and” Customer Delight

How can the Acme Company situation change with inventory velocity?

The $1 million dollar planner

With all the competing demands within a supply chain organization, a $1 Million Dollar Planner is the person that can see the bigger picture and communicate just how the company’s objectives can be achieved.

Cycle Counting

The main goal of cycle counting is to cycle through your inventory to ensure inventory accuracy on a consistent basis.

Is Your Inventory System Working?

In my experience in working with clients across multiple industries, geographies and sizes, I have no doubt that effective inventory management is far from a no-brainer, yet implementing a few secrets to success can yield dramatic bottom line results.

Bedrock Topic: Inventory Accuracy

Inventory accuracy is often overlooked, but it is vital to to bottom line business results.

Got Cash?

You wouldn’t think so from the way companies are hoarding cash; however, in general, they have a stockpile of cash and remain leery to spend it. Last year, there was a 2% decrease in days working capital (DWC), according to CFO Magazine.

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