
Supply Chain Optimization & Collaboration

Commercial Baking: Sounding the Alarm on Supply Chain: Q4 Shipping Crisis’ Impact on Bakery

Even with the ports open, getting the materials off the containers is still a challenge, especially as the trucking industry remains a drivers’ market. “You have to send the trucks to the appropriate terminals,” comments Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc.

Supply Chain Disruptions Causing a Constant State of Evolution

In recently talking with the US Glass Network, the constant state of supply chain disruption was in the forefront. In fact, the White House launched a supply chain dashboard to track progress. However, if you are hoping the supply chain will realign on its own anytime soon, unfortunately, it [...]

Today’s Medical Developments: What Will the Supply Chain Look Like in 2022?

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., will talk about the current state of the supply chain, and more importantly, what executives should be doing to survive – and thrive – during these volatile times.

What will supply chains look like in 2022?

Supply chain is dominating the news. Demand is soaring, ports are backed up, container prices are soaring, shipping costs are skyrocketing, warehouses are full, and manufacturers are experiencing extended lead times across the board. The end-to-end supply chain challenges are exacerbated with the great resignation of people. Unfortunately, these issues are not going away anytime soon. [...]

Harvard Business Review: The Future of Customer Experience in Manufacturing

The pace of change among manufacturers had been increasingly significantly before the pandemic, said Lisa Anderson, president of Claremont, CA base LMA Consulting Group, which specializes in manufacturing and supply chain strategies.

Today’s Medical Developments: A Look at the Supply Chain Entering 2022

The end-to-end supply chain challenges are exacerbated with the great resignation comments Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc.

Aerospace Manufacturing and Design: Learn how to respond to supply chain disruptions

The supply chain disruption is real and will last for quite some time, comments Lisa Anderson Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc.

Looking at Supply Chain Heading into 2022

I will be speaking on a webinar for Today's Medical Developments, Aerospace Manufacturing & Design, and Today's e-Mobility on looking at the supply chain heading into 2022 (the webinars will be archived as well). Supply chain is the hot topic across the board. The answer is NO, supply chain [...]

Bloomberg: What’d You Miss? – Lisa Anderson Interview

Lisa Anderson is interviewed by Bloomberg on reshoring and near-shoring and whether these strategies will benefit the consumer, the potential cost differential from Asia and whether it is narrowing, how quickly reshoring can occur and if these strategies can help with the supply chain disruptions.

Bladen Journal: Supply Chain Issues: Misaligned and unlikely to be fixed by Christmas

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., talks about how the supply chain got out of alignment, stemming from the pandemic. In essence, everything is in the wrong place.
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