
Supply Chain Transformation, Optimization & Collaboration

IAAPA News Hub: Coping with Supply Chain Challenges

Lisa Anderson, a consultant for supply chain operations worldwide with LMA Consulting Group, says at the start of the pandemic every industry felt the crunch.

SIOP: The Key to Scaling Successfully

According to an informal survey of manufacturers, distributors and healthcare executives, the #1 issue that is top of mind is how to scale successfully. Our clients are growing. For example, those in the building and construction products industry are experiencing significant growth fueled by the pandemic; those in e-commerce [...]

Interlinks: Supply Chain: The Strategic Context

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc. is part of a panel to discuss what the current big issues are in supply chain in the various regions the panelist are located. Fully Story

Why the Supply Chain is Strategic & an Operations Warp Speed Example

If you aren't seeing the end-to-end supply chain as strategic, you will miss your opportunity to get ahead of the competition and grow as rapidly as you otherwise could! How quickly can you scale with increasing sales volume? [...]

Supply Chain Partnerships: Creating Resiliency in 2021

Resiliency has emerged as a cornerstone to emerging successfully from the pandemic and essential to post-COVID success.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing Expert and President of LMA Consulting Releases Special Report: Emerging Above and Beyond

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc. has released, “Emerging Above & Beyond: 21 Insights for 2021 from Manufacturing, Supply Chain [...]

SAC: Strategic Supply chain Comes of Age Post-Pandemic

CLAREMONT, CA—The COVID-19 pandemic has proven the critical nature of the strategic supply chain, according to expert supply chain thought leaders within the Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Companies realize they can no longer ignore this crucial business function, which belongs firmly in the C-Suite. This includes [...]

Collaborative Partnerships & Creating Resiliency

As we see which companies emerge stronger from COVID, it is becoming apparent that those with a resilient supply chain and strong supply chain partnerships thrive while the rest are coming out in a weakened state. Of course, the situation has not stayed the same - those constantly changing [...]

SAP Insights: For Resilient Supply Chains, Think Local

Procter & Gamble, the maker of Charmin toilet paper, was prepared for thousands of scenarios – including earthquakes, fires, and cybersecurity attacks – but not for a disruption greater in magnitude than all three combined: a global pandemic. As COVID-19 spread throughout the United States in March, panicked shoppers snapped up [...]

Insomnicat Media Inc: Getting Your Supply Chain Ready for 2021

Lisa Anderson, President of LMA Consulting Group, is interviewed on the eeDesignIt podcast about getting your supply chain ready for 2021. After the disruptive year we experienced in 2020, she sheds light on the trends in nearshoring, as well as why digital and great leaders are the answers to a resilient supply chain. [...]

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