
Supply Chain Transformation, Optimization & Collaboration

Future-proofing Your Supply Chain

Disruptions abound in supply chain circles. Just consider any of the following recent events: the tariff war, global unrest, the Coronavirus, natural disasters such as the volcano in the Philippines, the Hong Kong protests and more. We have never had a client that could claim that 100% of the [...]

Collaboration for Advanced Manufacturing & Supply Chain Success

Supply Chain Strategy: Modernization tips from Lisa Anderson

For business leaders looking to modernize their supply chain, the technology investment is the easy part: Evaluate solutions, calculate the ROI, make your business case, and take delivery. Sure, it can be tricky to get sign off on these tech investments, but it’s a business problem with a logical [...]

Amazon Kicks off the New Year by Creating Disruption

According to a Bloomberg article, Amazon kicked off the New Year by creating disruption. They have abruptly stopped buying products from some of their wholesalers, looking for ways to bypass wholesalers or push the cost to down the chain and increase profit. If your business depends on Amazon, [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Confirms Manufacturers Focused on Customer Experience Drivers

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – December 19, 2019 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., confirms that manufacturers are flexible and responsive to changing customer needs and demands. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply [...]

How to tackle a supply chain transformation

Stepping back, looking at the big picture and asking the right questions are critical for business leaders who want to transform their end-to-end supply chains.

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Advises Future-Proofing the Supply Chain

Unlock growth in manufacturing supply chain with future-proofing strategies. Ensure alignment, visibility, and collaboration for success.

Collaboration for Advanced Manufacturing & Supply Chain Success

Explore the power of collaboration in achieving success in advanced manufacturing and supply chain - essential in today's complex business landscape.

Customer Care 1.01 & The SLURPY Method by Guest Blogger, Steve Weimar

When we think of why a customer buys from us and how to retain them we need to look at every aspect of our business, who adds value and who are the Contact Points or CP’s. We also need to adopt a simple company operating philosophy I call SLURPY.

The Amazon Effect Won’t Die!

If you cannot provide rapid, customized service with easy returns and 'extra value', you will be left in the dust. The needs aren't going away. If anything, Amazon continues to raise the bar.

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