Amazon’s Deal with Party City & More Competitors
Since Amazon is willing to search for win-win deals with the competition, who knows what will come next. Are you impacted by Amazon?
Since Amazon is willing to search for win-win deals with the competition, who knows what will come next. Are you impacted by Amazon?
No matter your position, try experiencing your company as a customer would. Are you able to call whoever you might need to talk to without annoying phone system automation?
Supply Chain networks that are not set up to support scalable, profitable growth have a high likelihood of negatively impacting your customers, impeding your growth and consuming far more resources than ever imagined to sustain.
It is quite clear that staying on top of current trends and what is expected down-the-road is essential to successfully navigating your business to scalable, profitable growth.
Operational efficiencies, productivity improvements, and cost savings are the top-three strategic advantages of cloud-based supply chain management, according to an IDG survey of senior managers and directors around the world.
Are you taking a hard look at your collaborations and partners?
When we look back over the last 13 years of consulting with closely-held building products manufacturers to medium, private-equity backed food and beverage firms to large aerospace corporations, every single client has one goal in common – achieving scalable, profitable growth. It sounds somewhat easy but is far from simple in reality.
Keep innovation and future disruptors top of mind.
Published in FabShop Magazine Direct in May 2018 “When we start to talk about the Amazon effect, it’s really a metaphor for rapid 24/7 delivery” says Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group. Click here to read more.