

How to Triumph and Grow in this Uncertain Time

CLAREMONT, Calif., June 1, 2020/ExpertClick/— Ongoing change and volatility look certain to be with us until the end of 2020, and possibly beyond. According to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC), businesses should move quickly to maintain or grow leadership positions in this uncertain time. Master Volatility [...]

International Business Times: How To Do ERP During COVID-19: A SelectHub Seminar

More change has been foisted upon businesses in the last three months than most of us could have ever imagined. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned some companies upside down, and forced many more to recalibrate their business strategy. Small and medium businesses have had to adjust to new realities [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Predicts Proactive Approach to Demand and Diversification of Supply is Key to Future-Proofing Manufacturing and the Supply Chain

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – May 27, 2020 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., predicts that a proactive understanding of customer demand and diversification within the supply chain will prevent a next round of guffaws as the effects of COVID-19 [...]

Supply chain strategy: Modernization tips from Lisa Anderson

For business leaders looking to modernize their supply chain, the technology investment is the easy part: Evaluate solutions, calculate the ROI, make your business case, and take delivery. Sure, it can be tricky to get sign off on these tech investments, but it’s a business problem with a logical [...]

CIEDEC Q2 Meeting: Future-Proofing Manufacturing Post COVID-19

Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc. was asked to provide a keynote to CIEDEC (California Inland Empire District Export Council). California Inland Empire DEC Members each have special expertise in international trade and are dedicated to helping businesses in our region develop global sales. Lisa talked about [...]

Advancing Your Consulting Business During Times of Crisis

Linda Popky and Lisa Anderson, successful independent consultants and Executive Directors of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting (SAC), describe how SAC helps consultants build successful businesses and what consultants can do now to still have a thriving business during these uncertain and disruptive times.  

How Do ERP Systems Work?

Think of enterprise resource planning, aka ERP, as a pizza. Each slice represents one set of modules that serves a specific company department. Most people like ERP software because it serves more than one industry. However, vendors also make ERP tailored to specific industries and operations. This guide covers what an ERP [...]

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