

Lisa Anderson Presents “The Increased Need for More Control, Speed and Profit”

Join LMA Consulting Group President, Lisa Anderson, as she hosts an interactive discussion on how supply chain leaders can make their businesses thrive when they’re up against shorter lead times, increasing risks and labor rates.

5 Ways Project Management and Lean Manufacturing Speed Up Processes

Using lean and project management approaches together can take your production process to the next level.

2024-06-17T08:41:06-07:00October 3, 2016|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , , , |

Lisa Anderson Selected as Toyota Women in Supply Chain Mentor

LMA Consulting Group’s Lisa Anderson has been selected Toyota Women in Supply Chain Mentor for The Peter F. Drucker Center.

Lisa Anderson to Speak at Premier Project Management Association

LMA Consulting Group’s Lisa Anderson to Present The Amazon Effect: Creating a Customer Service Edge at 2016 PMICIE Professional Development Day

2024-06-15T01:46:25-07:00September 9, 2016|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: |

How to Manage Supply Chain Complexity (using PM tools)

Supply chains continue to increase in complexity. I've observed this firsthand from managing hundreds of projects in manufacturing organizations over the last 25 years, including navigating end-to-end supply chain. Being able to effectively manage this complexity is essential to achieve important business objectives–growth and profitability.

California Reopens Some Commercial Routes as Wildfire Rages

Commercial operators were scrambling to keep goods moving as a massive wildfire east of Los Angeles shut down one of the nation’s major freight corridors.

Agile or Traditional Project Management: Which is Better?

Although traditional project management gains results, using a bit of agile common sense can provide two critical factors in the current business climate – speed and flexibility.

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