

The Brave New World of the Automated Warehouse

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc was quoted in the American Journal of Transportation on the need for warehouses to now service both retail stores and customers - so called 'omni-channel retailing'.  #### There is a revolution taking place [...]

Lisa Anderson and LMA Consulting Honor Advocates Who Contributed to 10-Year Business Success in Supply Chain and Manufacturing

LMA Consulting Group and Lisa Anderson celebrate ten years in business by acknowledging 10 individuals who contributed to the many key accomplishments supporting supply chain, manufacturing, distribution, SIOP and ERP consulting business made in the last decade.

Supply Chain and Manufacturing Expert Lisa Anderson and LMA Consulting Group Celebrate 10 Years in Business

Lisa Anderson and LMA Consulting celebrate 10 years of business success, reflecting on key achievements in supply chain and manufacturing.

2024-08-16T19:39:19-07:00May 27, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , |

Collaborate for Project Success

Create fresh business ideas for your project by collaborating with  Collaboration has come into vogue. In my experience working with clients ranging in size from $4 million to multi-billion dollar enterprises across a multitude of industries, spanning building products to aerospace to consumer products, the more collaboration [...]

The Amazon Effect: Why We Must Pay Attention to Our Customers

Two thirds of manufacturers and distributors have customer service gaps when compared to Amazon and mega-distributors like Amazon.

Retaining Project Management Top Talent

It takes valuable time and effort to replace talented managers. Instead, invest more attention, feedback and support on your top performers.

Lisa Anderson’s Manufacturing Connector BlogTM Recognized as Top 100 Best Global Supply Chain Management Blogs

Lisa Anderson’s blog is recognized as one of the top global supply chain blogs, highlighting her influence in supply chain management.

The Manufacturing ConnectorSM Lisa Anderson Shares How to Exceed Customer Expectations at 2015 Inland Empire Manufacturing Summit

Lisa Anderson shares strategies to exceed customer expectations at the 2015 Inland Empire Manufacturing Summit.

2024-08-30T18:27:33-07:00February 26, 2015|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , , |

How to Revitalize Projects to Ensure Success

Since projects are cornerstone to delivering bottom line business results, it is worth revitalizing your core projects at key juncture points such as after the holidays.

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