Project Risk – Should You Care?
In my experience, most organizations discuss risk but rarely implement a plan that would mitigate real risks. Why?
In my experience, most organizations discuss risk but rarely implement a plan that would mitigate real risks. Why?
There are few items more important than strategy - it is the cornerstone to business growth and profits.
Many times, knowing where the rough spots are on the road is half the battle to success.
If your project leader has these three traits, there's no doubt you'll achieve RESULTS.
When these three keys to success are put in place, it is possible to accelerate project results.
Instead of delaying projects or getting bogged down in the latest, complex project planning software, get started immediately, follow simple principles and you'll achieve significant project results.
I wanted to share a recent success with you. I was awarded Board Approval in Supply Chain Strategy by the Society for Advancement of Consulting (SAC).
It is a bit out-of-the-box; however, why create entirely new processes to succeed in the job search process?
Instead of getting bogged down in the latest, complex project planning software and process, continually follow these three key steps, and you'll achieve significant project results.
It seems very common that people get on the bandwagon of some of these philosophies like JIT, and they give up as opposed to understanding that it's not something trendy to do.